
Showing posts from April, 2016

Up and at them....

I know right, another blogger. I promise that this blog will be different.  <what makes you think you are different than other bloggers out there?> Well for instance, the little voice inside my head is way different than other bloggers.  Trust me.  So a little about me.  "I started from the bottom and now I'm here" - Drake said it best.  We all were there once or you are there right now. Yes you the one reading this because my blog connected to you either as a Dad/Mom, new to triathlon or a current serving Military Member who wants another medal which documents your hard work into something plausible.  I have a very supported wife/spouse who has been the main reason that I am even at this juncture. Thanks babe.  So get one of those. Someone who will support you through your triumphs and your failures and someone who will grow with you as you improve on your shortfalls. We have a young family and that meant the motorcycle had to go.  When it went, we bought a camper